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About Us

Bill Coughlin our CEO has been in Real Estate since 1982 and it took him just a few months realize that Direct-In-Front-Of-Clients Time was the highest paying job he ever had. Bill challenges all Realtors to know how much they earn an hour for direct personal time with a Buyer or a Seller? When agents realize that they can do 3 appointments a day instead of spending the same day just doing paperwork. So Bill has now helped over 7,500 TOP Realtors with virtual Real Estate Assistants support so they become more efficient and make more money,  recover family time, rebuild health and have more personal time work on their life purpose.

Our CEO  Bill Coughlin

"The Brain"

Minal has been with our company as Bill's Personal Assistant for the last 8 years. She lives in Mumbai India and is a Dedicated Core member of the team and with Minal's Economical and Business Analytics degree, everything is excellence!

Minal Shah


Shirley has been a Executive Officer with a large company with the responsibilities of Human Resource for 1,000 staff over time. She also has a Master Degree in International Economics. She is passionate about helping people out of poverty by building long term skilled careers.


"Vision to Help Build Life Time Careers"

Ling comes with years of "Virtual Educational" and is instrumental in design our Advanced Skill Building and Certification Programs.


"Virtual Educator"

Graphic and Video Editor expert!  He has a Bachelor Degree in Marketing Management with an extensive training grounds in one of the biggest television network in the Philippines.  He's been an outstanding Virtual Assistant at Real Estate company working on listings, Lead Generation, CMA, Graphic Design, A/V Presentation and Craiglist Posting.​



Stewart come with 35 years of Expert Computers maintenance guy, design our Advanced Skill building and Certification Programs.

Stewart Goodin

"Computer Genius"

Our Team receive obligatory weekly education,support for new program sand are building expertise in new developments s they happen.

Real Time Virtual Assistant (RTVA) is a registered virtual assistant services company that is set to compete in the highly competitive outsourcing service industry not only in Canada, but also in the global market with the goal of providing the "Highest Quality Virtual Assistant in a Most Secure Environment".


We secure the highest standard and well positioned office facility in Abbotsford, Canada where

we intend coordinating all our Highly Trained Virtual Assistants from all over the world. 

Mission, Vision and Core Values Statement

Our mission is to provide Professional, Well-Trained and Highly Creative Real Time Virtual Assistant

that will assist all businesses, individuals, and non-profit organizations in achieving their business goals.

Our company want to build a Virtual Assistant Services Company that can answers 

"Earn More, Work Less with Virtual Assistants".  


In Real Estate Industry, lead generation, lead conversation and business support are critical to the business success. Hiring Virtual Assistants can make a Realtor earn more, work less and enjoy life and focus on what they do best. 


At Real Time Virtual Assistant, our client's best interest come first, and everything we do are guided by our values and  professional ethics.  We ensure that we hold ourselves accountable to the highest standards by meeting our client's needs precisely and completely.  We cultivate a working environment that provides a human, sustainable approach to earning a living, and living in our world, for the Management, for our Real Time Virtual Assistants and for our clients.

Executive Message

I, Bill Coughlin have been in Real Estate since 1982 and it took me just a few months realize

that Direct-In-Front-Of-Clients time was the highest paying job ever.


Do you know how much you earn an hour for direct personal time with a Buyer or a Seller?

Well I have done the math, and it is over $1,000 per hour!


So when you or I spend all day doing paper work, your calling and visiting customers then,

we are LOSING that $1,000 dollars per hour. Think about it, if you can do 3 appointments a day or spend the same day  just on paperwork, then which one actually makes money.


If you can hire a virtual assistant to do the paper work, heck they will probably even do a better job than you would do.

Do what you do Best and spend all working hours in front of customers!

I myself,  built out the Company "Most Referred Realtors" and it was this company that has helped 7,500 TOP Realtors FOCUS on working their highest business return hours.


Well, in 1982 I hired my first Virtual Assistants and 322 Virtual Assistants later,

 I have helped a lot of Agents Maximize their company Bottom-Line.


It's time you start delegating those time wasting tasks! Your dedicated Real Estate Virtual Assistant can sort them, prioritize them and help you delegate them. By outsourcing your team’s least profitable tasks,

you’ll save money and time allowing you to achieve a better life balance!

Bill Coughlin

 CEO Real Time Virtual Assistants

real time virtual assistants    |   Tel. #: 778-374-3744    |   |   copyright 2016

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